P.O. Box 182
Marion Center, PA 15759
We are an approved 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Ministry

©The Good Shepherds Inc
Design by Christopher Price
Jesus' great commission and subsequently his orders were a military-style commission! This was not the "great suggestion" as many western Christians act like today!
Most Christians would be shocked to know that Jesus used and skillfully implemented a model and strategy to launch and explode the growth and influence of his church! We call this "The Jesus Ministry Model!" Jesus incorporated the same model of growth that God had used all through creation, recreation after Noah's flood and throughout scripture!
The model is strategically implemented for only one purpose; to create a viral effect!
The Good Shepherds use these principles from the Jesus Ministry Model of explosive growth and its transgenerational viral effect to create ministry resources and human resources. This allows us to build an army of committed soldiers in the West whose purpose is to plant, help fund and facilitate churches, orphanages, feeding programs, schools, medical missions, etc globally!
Research shows that people today are tired of huge American ministries that require huge somes of money to operate, but produce minimal results! They want a rubber meet-the-road ministry that puts tennis-shoes to the gospel, and can do a great deal with just a little!
"In all of my experience, I have never seen anywhere else you can have so much fruit for so very little!" ~ Mission Supporter